Friday, July 5, 2013

An dem Weg

It's Friday morning here, and I am on the first of three trains to Hallstatt, Austria: east and south of Bregenz. I have been here a week now, and we have been packing in the adventures! Classes started Monday, so each day we head to the convent for a few hours of art history and opera education (not the official title). We are set free at 2:00 each afternoon, which leaves plenty of time for exploration. 

On Monday we set out up the Pfänder, which is the “mountain” on the edge of Bregenz. Compared to the snow capped Alp off in the distance, it’s not a real mountain, but it took us a agood hour and a half to hike to the summit. The view was breathtaking (ok, it also might have had something to do with the steep incline and being out of shape), the cows really sported huge bells, and the valley we beneath us could have been a screen shot from the The Sound of Music. Jumping in the mountain lake water when we got back down was heavenly.

Tuesday was recovery day from our hike for swimming, gelato, and exploring. I have a bike now, so I can cover a lot more ground in less time. The driving style here is… confident, to put it mildly. With all of the tall hedges and narrow, winding streets, blind corners are more common than not. Austrian drivers deal with this by pulling halfway into the turn, slowing down a bit, and then edging in anyway. This makes biking an exciting experience, but I have adopted tried to adopt their confidence on two wheels; it seems to be working so far.

my street

A rainy Wednesday left time for homework, Euchre, and patriotic music, and Thursday dawned with no plans for barbecue or fireworks. In fact, the most patriotic sight I spotted in Bregenz was an American flag strategically placed in the hand of the shiny Statue of Liberty in our neighbor’s yard. My house mom has declared that I am sehr sportlich after our hike Monday and a long run yesterday afternoon. Most Americans are nicht sportlich, she says, which is the general opinion of Americans here: fat and lazy. We have only experienced warm welcomes so far, however. If the Austrians don’t like us, they hide it well.

Happy Independence Day!

Another four hours left on our train ride… perfect time to knock out some homework and a nap.

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